Instagram Tests Unskippable Ads, Sparking User Backlash

Instagram users were taken by surprise as screenshots of a new feature, unskippable ads, started circulating on social media. The platform confirmed the trial of these ad breaks, introducing a countdown timer that halts users from browsing further until they view the ad, mirroring the model of YouTube’s free version.

The potential shift aligns Instagram more closely with YouTube’s ad format, reflecting Instagram’s evolution from a photo-sharing platform to a hub for video content like Stories and Reels.

According to a Meta company spokesperson, the initiative aims to explore formats that benefit advertisers, signaling a strategic move to enhance ad revenue streams. However, the spokesperson emphasized that updates would follow should the trial lead to formal product changes.

The initial discovery of the “ad break” feature was made by Instagram user Dan Levy, who shared a screenshot on X, expressing surprise at the interruption in browsing flow. Further details revealed that users encountering these ad breaks are prompted with an explanation, clarifying the purpose and potential necessity of viewing ads before continuing.

Reactions to the trial were predominantly negative, with users expressing discontent and some even threatening to abandon the platform altogether. Speculation arose regarding the motivation behind the move, with concerns raised about prioritizing ad engagement over user experience.

While Instagram has not disclosed the global extent of the trial, screenshots indicate that ad breaks are integrated into the Feed while viewing video posts. It remains uncertain whether content creators will have any control over the placement of these ads.

Although currently in the testing phase, the introduction of unskippable ads underscores Meta’s willingness to experiment with the platform’s fundamental user experience to bolster ad revenues.

For more details, read the full article
